Number #1
in Recession Forecasting
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Recession Indicators
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Since 2014

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  • Advanced Projections Members receive monthly updates of our six Recession Predicting Indicators, as well as analyses of current trends in economic health. We also provide monthly insights into the current state of the economy and the probability of a recession being declared within 6-18 months. During a recession, we provide insight into recession depth, duration, and the probabilities of a recovery. 

  • Our easy to read indicators, thorough graphical documentation, and monthly analyses will keep you up to date with the economy, including the movement of “smart” money, growth, overheating, shrinkage, activity by the Federal Reserve, and more.

  • Advanced Projections is essential to helping keep anyone with a 401k, business of any size, or investment portfolio informed and several steps ahead of the curve. Utilized properly, access to our exclusive information at our highly competitive prices can truly generate a return on your investment by many thousands.